We manufacture and research in clean and calm environment.

We introduce many fresh ideas and the latest equipment building
the Sayama Factory/Research Center of Sakae Aromatic.
For example, softness of the lightings was one practice; as
the quality of raw materials of the flavor and fragrances can
be influenced by strong lighting, we monitor the amount of
light will come in to the room.
To do this, we placed windows on the upper part of the building.
Of course Flavor Business department and Fragrances
Business department operate completely independent
from each other.

We separate the access route for staff and raw materials
to the each work room. Also packaging for product shipment
process is strictly controlled for sanitary purposes.
These work rooms have been designed with
explosion proof technology.

Also we place many air showers within the Center. But
not only focusing on our sanitary system,
we also make sure our staff can work there happily
? we even have a terrace where they can view the forest
and work rooms with operating diagrams.
These are a few examples for how much we care about
our staff's ability to relax at their workplace. 

Environmental Considerations